A large crowd gathered down Cuba Street watching a performance at the Cupa Dupa festival.

Cuba Street alive with the sound of music

It started as a vision, which occurred as John Psathas walked down Cuba Mall during Wellington’s annual CubaDupa festival.

Image of the faculty from the left during the day

A quarter-century celebration

The Faculty of Law moved into Government Buildings 25 years ago and has been calling it home ever since.

Pasific Youth in Business event attendees

Boosting Pacific business voices

One student is passing on an opportunity she was given at secondary school in the hope of helping other Pasifika youth realise their passions.

Image of Thom holding liquid nitrogen in a canister and a bottle of water in the other.

Bringing Science to Wellington

Thom Adams, engagement coordinator in the Wellington Faculty of Science, shares his experience of getting youth excited about science as a career, as well as boosting science achievement.

Nick Bollinger thumbnail in front of plants

Counter productive

J.D. Stout Fellow Nick Bollinger explains how he came to host the first campus ‘teach-in’ in 50 years.

Image of structure designed by Sarah Freeman.

Creative cross-cultural collaborations continue despite COVID

Borders may be closed but that hasn’t stopped a group of students from collaborating with the New Zealand Embassy in Viet Nam

L-R: Russell Campbell, Sarah Thomasson, Nicola Hyland, Sam Tippet, James Wenley, Phil Mann, Megan Evans, Sean Coyle, Liz Thompson, David O'Donnell, David Carnegie

Cultural capital, creative arts

It is now 50 years since Theatre was introduced as a subject at the University—and while the digital age has brought many changes, the holistic view of theatre remains the same.

Professor Ehsan Mesbahi smiling in Alan MacDiarmid

Eye on the prize

Professor Ehsan Mesbahi, who began his role as Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Wellington Faculties of Science, Health, Engineering, Architecture and Design Innovation in April 2020, says universities need to focus on what they’re for, rather than just what they do.

Concept image of the Living Pa

Nurturing knowledge and building connection

People from throughout the University community are finding inspiration and opportunities for creativity in the visionary Living Pā project